Inspire Recovery takes a creative approach to treating addiction. Our team and program is designed to enrich the emotional health and wellbeing of our clients by combining therapies with creative processing groups and weekly meditation. Inspire also focuses on topics related to the experiences of LGBTQ addicts and alcoholics. We combine a 12 Step approach with responsive coaching and a strong emphasis on functional medicine that includes one-on-one therapy, specialized groups and an on-site nutritionist.
At Inspire Recovery, we are focused on creating a safe space for personal expression. Through art, writing, music and life skills groups, combined with our intensive individualized and group therapy schedule, we feel confident we are going to inspire a better life and approach to living to those who trust us to teach them how to survive clean and sober in a world they once defined in altered states of mind.
At Inspire, the decision to undertake addiction inclusively is met with the philosophy that individuals benefit by being in groups with people from different backgrounds and experiences. This approach mirrors the reality that many are challenged with in a world that does not understand or appreciate the complexities of addicts, alcoholics, those in recovery, or those who are different than the norm in any capacity whether based on an individual's presentation, sexual orientation, physical or mental capabilities or disabilities,
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Get to know Inspire Recovery
At Inspire Recovery, we are focused on creating a safe space for the LGBTQ community in recovery. Focusing on treatment that supports self-expression.
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