Faith Farm's 63 year old program is 100% free and 100% voluntary providing food, shelter, clothing, college accredited recovery curriculum, Comprehensive Work Training (CWT), life skills and spiritual training and counseling. Approximately 94% of the ministry's $11 Million annual budget is allocated to programs. Approximately 91% of that amount is fund through the CWT Institute's micro-enterprise work project initiatives. Since 2008, when we began tracking, we have had students from 47 of the 50 United States and many from other countries and they have been all faiths, races, and social economic classes. Education needs are at the forefront of the program with mandatory GED class participation. Faith Farm's recovery curriculum is college accredited through South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. Students have an opportunity to earn up to 9 college credits while in recovery. We equip students with a new way of thinking, a new work ethic, vocational skills, a servant's heart and a great start on educational goals. Students receive love, grace, renewal, opportunity and hope in a bright future.
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