Naturally Made Essentials

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102 NE 2nd St. Suite 255
Boca Raton, FL 33432 Boca RatonRate and review
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Hi! I'm Lauren. Welcome to Naturally Made Essentials! I live in Boca Raton, Florida with my husband, Donothan, and our son, Chase.

After having Chase in 2016 our life quickly changed. He was born premature at 34 weeks and 2 days and spent some time in the NICU. Besides the normal nervousness of being a first-time mom, I now had to care for my delicate little 5lb. baby boy.

After learning of all the risks that premature newborns are prone to, I really started re-thinking our home and all of the products he was being exposed to.

I started doing my research to find ways to begin using naturally derived products on a daily basis. I sat down for a whole day, took every single one of our household cleaners and experimented, googled, and studied how I could replace them with healthier homemade recipes.

That quickly lead to me replacing my personal products as well as beginning to discover the benefits of aromatherapy.

Once I was completely emerged and dedicated to living a more natural life, I noticed that the products I was buying to help me on my journey were not always what I hoped they would be.

I was a new mom, out of work, and didn't have the resources to spend a fortune on oil kits or other items that I had no idea how to use. I had countless experiences with products I had ordered either taking MONTHS to be delivered or when it did arrive, was not the quality I expected. I started getting more and more upset about all this money I had spent and the lack of

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